Wishing on a star...


Got this Birthday Wishes tag from Nessa. This early revelation should give some idea on what to give me on my birthday this year *wink* Like Nessa, I am also a Leo’s girl, which means my birthday is not due until August…hehe...plenty of time for anyone to help me achieve my dreams…LOL!

The rules to comply with:-
1. Make a list of what you want on your birthday
2. The list should be 10 numbers
3. Post the image of this award in your posting
4. Give it to 10 friends of yours

Jeng, jeng, jeng…here are my 2009 birthday wishes:-

1. Trim down the ugly bulges
2. Shed some kilos
3. Get a new watch
4. Make more $$$, grab more assignments
5. Get a new car
6. Win the jackpot
7. Get a salary increment
8. Get healthier skin
9. Go holiday in Bali – all expenses paid *grin*
10. Achieve all my wishes above….LOL!

I gladly pass this tag to Mouren, ChocMintGirl, NinieJane, Nadia, Mell_f, Memeljoan, Phil, AnnieMing, SumandakofRanau and Greg Chai. *smile*


win the jackpot? Sia pun mau ohhh...hihihihih

yay.. mcm terasa mo birthday ja ni.. ahh ni ngam ni tuk si avanus..dia br bday.. :) thanks cheers.. nanti sya buat ar :)

Aisemen, punya capat ko buat! Tahniah! Hebat :D Tenkiu ah :)

#4 Macam teda opps suda skrang kan... sedihnya :*(

i love the Bali part ... all expenses paid wah wonderful .... :D

i've been trying for years tu Jackpot yang sia kana everytime haribulan sama no. draw hahahaha

Mouren ~ hehe...tiap2 thn ni ada dlm wish list sia...:)

Mell_F ~ ramay jg ka Leo's girl ni..

Nadia ~ hehe...buat la bila ko ada masa kio..

Nessa ~ Ngam2 no idea pa mo post bah, tu la laju ja buat tu.

:( ya bah Nessa, silaka butul,mcm lama suda teda Opps baru kan...

GregChai ~ hehe..misti siok tu kan klu p holiday & we dont hv to worry abt d expenses...:)

Ay...sama la kita. Sia pun selalu kana hb & draw no. sj..ntah bila la mo kana yg butul2...hihi...

Mia, masih lg ko pakai tu jam ko tu?? Berjasa betul sdh dia sama ko tu... 8 thn sdh tu kan?? Hehehe...

Hi, Semoga tercapai.. saya doakan hehe..

hi mamamia.. here i m ..hopping from IPOH to Sabah..haha... thanks for your visit and hope we can keep in touch.. i have become your follower...hehe..

Just ~ u talking abt d b&w-strap swatch ka? hehe...itu suda 2 thn expired Just...hihi..apa2 pun, mmg dia sgt la berjasa..

nora ~ harap2 la kan Nora..:)

reanaclaire ~ Tengkiu, tengkiu. Will visit u frequently..:)

Kalo pasal 'wish' I have soooooo many..tidak tau bila buli dapat hehehe

Nice tag...nanti saya buat ;)

Haha, si Nessa pun ada tag sya gia ni, MamaMia. Suma ko punya wishes ni bulih masuk dalam list sya jugak ahahaha... K, nanti sya buat. :D

Ya..betul cakap si Nessa..memang kurang betul ops sekarang nie..blog sia pun macam lama sudah nda buat paid post!! hehee
Mia..bukan slim sudah kah ko tu?? Mau shed lagi kg??? hehee

IbgProper~ Klu ikut butul mmg byk wish ni Phil. Bah, buat la bila ko ada time kio..:)

ChocMintGirl ~ hehe...bah ngam la tu, nti ko bikin 2 in 1 la. Lebih kurang ja bah suma wish kita ni..

KadusMama ~ Tu la...sedih ni!
Slim la mangkali Ty. Nti kita jumpa ko nmpk la sendri...:)

Hi Rahma. Tq for dropping by! Looking fwd for your visit here..:)

hahaha.. i saw my name.. ba i'L do this tag kio.. thanks ^_^

hi mia...hehehe curi dulu ko punya tag.. buli bah kan?

AnnieMing ~ buat la bila ko ada masa kio mandak :)

hilDaAthirah ~ hi...bulih bah kalau kau..:)