As I was getting ready to go off yesterday ,out of the blue, mom called to buy a few on my way back. So, I stopped by at this sundry shop to grab a few, quite popular due to its strategic location. Near the bus terminal to the kampungs. Its been a while since I last bought one..lost track of the price already. Last time it cost around RM4.80 -RM5.00 for half a dozen. Now the loose packet is sold at RM0.95 each.... it used to be RM0.80.
Mom's a fan of this particular instant mihun soup. It taste nice...the soup of course :). The mihun itself, taste like ...mihun la. The deliciousness of the soup must be contributed by the high amount of MSG in the seasoning powder. I know its not nutritious at all, some more not good for health. That's why I seldom buy or eat it. If I don't buy them, takut pulak my mum merajuk :p. Anyway, I always told her only to have it once in a while. I only use half of the seasoning powder, of course, its not so tasty but I'll add in some fishballs and tomatoes to improve the taste. Hehe...
On the other hand, I noticed that the goods sold in this particular shop are quite pricey. A few months back, due to the price hike in petrol, the price of goods also increased. But now after the price of petrol had decrease, most probably will decrease again sooner ,the tauke should have reduced the price of goods also. But sad, that didn't happened. Except for the rice, prices of other goods still remained on the high side. How come?!
Last time pun, the mihun mmg mahal compared to maggi. Now it's more expensive so I stop buying it :)
Let's try and boycot them slowly. Lama2 itu barang mesti expired punya hehehe
tu la bah kan Phil...mngkali bcos tu mihun dr Thailand, trus mahal gila babas harganya.
hehe..by 'boycotting' them mangkali bulih kasi turun harga..
waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh mamamia, so expnsive alrdy o!Sadap bah tu Pama tu sup dia ada UMPH! jarang2 suda sa beli tu kecuali betul2 time "Siakan" @ mengidam hehe..susah o, minyak turun tp barang2 nda pandai turun2 ni..eee
mahal butul o kan kobie, kalu bkn mama sia yg siaakan butul, mgkali sia nda bili o...
Sia pun suka juga dis brand of mihun. I think it's around RM4.50 or so here in KL.
Kalau kadai runcit tu memang susah mo turun harga unless they're the hypermarkets la. Sia rasa diorang takut tu harga minyak tiba2 naik lagi.
Almost double tu harga naik.. Well oh well.. everything wayyy tooo pricey now.. Sy pun tia beli megi suda.. Mahal!
tu la bah Nayden, dulu masa d UPM, kalu mo jimat mkn maggi..nasib baik dulu murah...klu nda bertambah-tambah miskin la student..:)
funny, petrol sudah turun harga but they still jual mahal, i did pura-pura inda tau go n ask them why they sell kono mahal, stock lama...where got road like this, hai yah
susah, susah, nobody can bring down the price, not even our government.
wonder what happen if we boycott kadai dorang
mama_mia, sa kasi private suda blog sa nanti ko masuk ja ah, susah mau explain sini, k, take care :)
Go buy the PAMA at Giant la Mama mia. Jauh sikit tapi kurang suda kos minyak kan...heheh. Mana tau sana ada murah sikit. Atau try tingu kadai lain mana tau ada kadai lain yg jual murah. Kalu di jipon kena boikot tu kadai yg jual mahal.... jadi derang nda berani kasi naik harga sembarangan. Bikin panas juga ba tu taukeh yg nda pandai kasi turun harga
tulah sampai sekarang sia blame si Pak lala for increasing the prtrol price last time.
Pasal dia, suma harga barang naik..and now, teda sudah orang mau kasi turun balik the price..
Mio..dlu maggi laksa sia harga RM2.5 jak..now?? RM4.5!! punya sakit hati sia...
Greg ~ wah, like tat also can ka..maybe we should start boycott all kadai brg2nya mahal..
Nika ~ ada kadai lain jual murah sikit,RM4.50 tp lain brand, MAMA..ciplak mangkali kan...if sama sj rasa, why not kan..:)
Kadus ~ ya bah, bikin panas o kan. almost double the old price kan Ty..silaka!
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