No rain in all divisions.

That’s the weather forecast for Kota Kinabalu today. The max temperature is 32ºC (90ºF) but it feels like 10ºC (50ºF) hotter out there especially at noon time. Yup, its scorching hot here everyday! According to the weather forecast again, the temperature for the whole week will be between 25ºC to 32ºC with no rain until Saturday. It will be a hot week, folks. Hmm, with that, I think I can survive the heat in the Grand Canyon State of Arizona. Yeah, bring it on! LOL. As if I’m going to live there in the near future. *grin*

But, you’ll never know, right? I may strike the Jackpot tomorrow and be an instant millionaire. With all the $$$, I think I will be able to buy my little family a piece of the oh-so lovely property in Scottsdale and realize my fantasy of living abroad in a foreign land far, far away. A nice house with a small garden will be just perfect. Since I don’t know much about landscaping, I will leave the task to the experts in Arizona landscapes to do their magic for my garden. There goes my imagination… LOL.

But, I wasn’t imagining about Pathway Landscape being an expert in their field, ya. They truly are experts! Their projects had won them award and highlighted in the press. You can check-it out if you don't believe me! *smile*


panasnya la bah berpuasa if gini..sabar jak la...

Here in Penang, almost raining everyday.

It's normal to have such dream... ;)

Sia pun mau menang jackpot and den 24 hrs resign.. alamak.. start sudah ni imagine gila2 :D.. how I wish.. hehehe

MummyZuan ~ hihi..sabar ja ko, Hil

Little Inbox ~ Raining everyday pun susah.. ;)

MOB ~ does it mean u have such dream too? hehe...

Evelyn LG ~ i so agree with u. kalu menang trus hantar 24hr notice, i may even treat the whole company tu makan2..if only....